Gem Treatment

1. What is Sapphire Variety 

This is Composed of natural corundum with over 2500 degree C.This variety sapphire is created from natural corundum from nature's mine.Natural corundum, which creates natural looking gemstones, is embellished for color enhancement

 2. What is Natural corundum?

Corundum is the mineral name that belongs to a couple of varieties, one of which is sapphire, given its' blue color. Sapphire  can only be found in the Earth and is embellished for color enhancement. Natural corundum undergoes a new proprietary process to create the Sapphires.

3. What is  natural sapphires ? 

 Composed of natural corundum.Naturally mined directly from the Earth and sold into the market

4. Are these stones treated in any matter?

Yes. These stones are induced by lattice diffusion of titanium and beryllium for color enhancement

5. What is Sapphire the best alternative?

You be the judge. Natural sapphires are becoming increasingly rare to find and therefore increasingly more expensive. Would you rather buy a natural sapphire, at thousands of dollars, Sapphire Variety are composed of natural corundum from Mother Nature, yet this Sapphires Variety cost a fraction of the price!